Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

Horns vs antlers

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Well chuck I guess we need to make a bow from longhorn horns and see how she stacks up against the sheep horm?

tipi stuff:
Chuck and Eric,
     Do either of you know Bill Holm? He measured a number of original horn bows quite a few of years ago. Somewhere I've got a sheet of horn bow dimensions that he typed up. Reginald Laubin gave up on replicating an antler bow, writing that they must have just been show pieces. Bill made a shooter. I don't remember when he did this, but it must have been in the late 50's or early 60's.     Curtis

Tipi, the first elk anler bow I ever made is hanging on my parents mantel, it turned out fairly well. The ones I've made have not held up to my sheep horn bows but would be deadly enough to harvest game.

tipi stuff:
Pretty cool to have made just one horn or antler bow. There's just not that many people who've made them. Hat's off to you guys.  CC


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