Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

horn supply ?

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Check out Loefflerchuck does a how to on it.

Proper Bighorn Ram horns are outrageously expensive.  Can't figure how anyone can get there hands on something like that without first hand access to the animals themselves.  $7K!!! Whew!!! :o

james parker:
if you live where the rams free range, im sure they age out and die, takes a lot of looking im sure

If your talking water buffalo. I took a chance and got a set off ebay from China. I am happy with the horns and would do it again fyi.

I'm still supplying water buffalo horns to some of the horn bowyers.  I have lived in Thailand for 20 years but recently moved back to Minnesota.  I left a band saw with a Thai friend there and will continue to get them while I can.  Raising water buffalo is a dying lifestyle sadly.  Prices of the Thai buffalos have skyrocketed in the last year as the Chinese are buying them up and loading them on ships up the Mekong so it is making it hard for the Thai's to compete with the prices the Chinese are paying.  Went from 35,000 Baht ($1100)  a head to 100,000 baht ($3125) a head.  I shipped myself a box when I was back in Thailand in Aug and it should be getting here soon so I'll have some here in MN shortly if people are interested. 

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