Author Topic: TBB Vol. 1 Yew bow layout question.  (Read 2822 times)

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Offline Red Dwarf

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TBB Vol. 1 Yew bow layout question.
« on: January 07, 2008, 08:03:47 pm »
I must be reading something wrong..!

I am laying out my next attempt at a yew bow and was reading the chapter on building a yew bow by John Strunk.
The section dealing with laying out the bow states "Draw a line 1" above the center point of the splice joint as shown in the illustration. Later you will find this line is located an equal distance from each string nock. This will make the top limb 1" longer...."
The illustration shows this line as being the center of the bow.

Naturally, when I mark the centre of the bow as being 1" above the centre of the splice the top limb lengthens by 1" relative to the handle position and the bottom limb shortens by 1" relative to the handle position resulting in the top limb being 2" longer than the bottom limb, not 1" longer as stated.

What am I missing here??

Hope someone can throw some light in my direction.

Red Dwarf


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Re: TBB Vol. 1 Yew bow layout question.
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 09:46:08 pm »
I believe what he has marked as the center of the bow is actually 1 inch above the actual mid point of the bow. How else can it be equidistant from both tips..... Man I have no idea, can't get my head around it either.I keep thinking he means the center of the handle/ splice section which would mean the 2" mark instead of the 3" point in the handle.
  Where's Rod Parsons when ya need him?
 I'm sure someone with some more experoience will get on here soon and help ya.

Offline Gordon

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Re: TBB Vol. 1 Yew bow layout question.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 12:01:41 am »
I lay my bows out the same as John and you are correct, the top limb is 2" longer than the lower limb.