First off, that gizmo thing is worse than worthless on a character stave such as this one. Save that for the straight and clean bows. As I said earlier, put symmetry out of your mind on this one. All those bits of character need to be reflected at brace and throughout the draw. This means that the deflex kinks will look like hinges and the reflex areas will look like flat spots when drawn. I think your close to understanding that already. I'm just confirming it for you. This is a really tough one to explain with just words. The character is gonna give you fits, but you can do it with patience. The two things that your looking for at this stage is that the entire limb is doing it fair share of the work and that the limbs are balanced. Meaning that your right limb tip is travelling the same distance as the left and vice versa. It's important that you get each limb bending properly before you get them bending equally. Getting the limbs to bend properly is always the hardest part on character bows such as this. Your brain will keep wanting you to make it bend in a nice smooth arc that is pleasing to the eye. Resist that notion the best you can. As I said, the character has to be reflected throughout the draw. I hope I didn't just confuse you worse. Josh