I have a story for this. A friend and I car pooled to work years ago, he had an old Ford Ranger. Early one morning he hit a nice prime coyote ( it was mid January) he stops and tosses it in the back with no inspection. Keep in mind this is a major highway at peak morning commute. We make it about two miles and he catches a flash in the rearview. Yup we have a mildly dazed full grown coyote sitting up in the bed of the truck like a lab. My buddy went no where without at least two handguns. He slings the truck to the curb jumps out as traffic is whizzing buy and proceeds to 9mm his truck bed two times and the yodel dog one time. I was laughing to hard to offer any assistance and the maniac shooting his dog at 6:30 A.M. has now stopped two lanes of traffic! Lucky for us no one bothered to call the law and/or we made it to work before they could find the dog assassin.