Joao, as you probably already know many countries in Europe don't allow hunting. Even though lots of folks here on PA are hunters not many of our European members are hunters so their knowledge of hunting equipment would be slim. You might want to try TradGang, a website for hunting archers and they have quite a few European members. That might be a better option for your request. I'm not trying to run you off. In fact we'd like to see some of your work. 
hello PatB
thanks for your answer. actually in my country hunting is allowed, but not many people do it with a bow and even less with a traditional bow.
i will try in tradgang.
i have i question, hope you dont find it too simple, but i am starting: whats the difference betwen a "hunting arrow", "target arrow" and "field arrow"? is it just the point?! or is there anything else?
you can bet that when i have something worth to be posted i will do it for sure.
best regards
joao pedro