Just finished up a bow.
I'm not really doing the tri lams with boo cores anymore. I'm moving more in a stave bow direction rather than multi laminated.
I still have a few I glued up last year left. So I'll finish those as they are all Ipe.
I had this hurdle in weight I was having trouble crossing. For the life of me I couldn't seem to build a bow heavier than about 55lbs that held togeather.
I've since done it. But this little 60" boo backers ipe with a boo core was glued up when I was on that jihad. For got to get a final measurement before I walked away tonight but given the previous measurement I took it is about 75#@ 27". I had it to 28.
Maiden arrow put a bunny blunt through 3 pieces of heavy card board at 1/2draw.
Must be that 1/4" level taper core. Note to self. That is Way too much.
What to do with it? I can't Even draw it all the way. I'm not going to send it too the renfaire. I did learn from it. Namely ipe is AWESOME when quarter sawn. Considering trading it away but only to experienced primitive archers
Pics coming.
Well that took long enough. Here is the full draw at 28". Gets kinda stacky up there finish pics coming I think.