Author Topic: Cut too deep with drawknife?  (Read 16253 times)

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Offline Benedikt

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2014, 09:00:01 am »
I also round everything before tillering, one of my bows did broke yet because of a sharp edge!

To the drawknife: I also tiller with my small drawknife, its one of the best tools if you can handle it.
My father is carpenter, so i've been working with it since i was little child.
Its also important that your drawknife is always sharp!
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Offline jasonoflivingston

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2014, 09:34:04 am »
I share your challenges with long draw length.

Also, I tend to feel like there are two camps of bow performance, assuming good choice of bow style for the wood selected.  First there are bows crafted  for absolute speed.  Second there are bows crafted for absolute durability.  Every bow lies somewhere between these two camps with one parameter coming at the cost of the other. 

If I am looking to make a bow that will be very durable at 30" draw, I tend to aim for a 71" ntn length.  Can you get away with shorter?  Of course you can.  Can you make a super durable bow for that draw length that is shorter?  Of course you can. 

That brings me to the third factor.  That is quality of tiller, which comes down to your skill.  The higher your skill, the closer you can push to the speed performance side of things without compromising durability.  If you are still new to the tillering process and tend to get some unevenness in your tillering, you will have to compensate for it by leaning towards the durability side or your bows will be quite short lived. 

As has been said, your skills will improve and in doing so, allow you to increase speed performance by doing things like using shorter, lighter limbs, etc. 

On another note, from my experiences, rounding the edges after making adjustments and putting it back on the tree works well for preventing lifting and splits.  Also, slow is your friend.  Take your time.  Your eyes and hands can get tired after going round after round with your bow during tillering and it is easy to just rush a step or not see a hinge after working and staring at it for a while.  That usually ends with your bow being fire wood.  I have had some bows where the only thing I have done during an evening of working was sand off a couple of rough edges and then call it quits because I knew my eyes were letting me down on assessing my tillering progress.     

In the meantime, learn from this one, and as has been mentioned, try a shorter draw length on it.  If you really do draw 30", perhaps mark an arrow at a 28" draw so you have a visual marker when shooting.  It will help prevent over draw until you define a shorter draw technique.  I change my anchor from the tip of my thumb at the corner of my mouth to the largest knuckle of my thumb at the corner of my mouth.  It works pretty well for me (may not work for everyone). 

Good luck.

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2014, 09:39:14 am »
Sharp edges concentrate stress so you should avoid them. That being said, if the bow is already so close to breaking that the stress concentration of a sharp edge is all it takes to put it over the breaking point, then it was probably already doomed IMHO. Also I've cut myself a few times on sharp edges of hardwood, so its just good practice to smooth things out as you work on them.

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2014, 11:57:34 am »
You may find that a 30" draw with a compound will at least be a few inches less with a selfbow.
I drew a recurve 29" and pull a selfbow around 26". No experience with compounds.
Here check this out. Jawge
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 12:08:08 pm by George Tsoukalas »
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Offline (bow)Hunter

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2014, 02:44:41 pm »
uhmmmm.... Is this going to be an issue? *cries*

Offline Badger

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2014, 03:20:36 pm »
  Once I get to floor tiller stage I keep the bow in an almost finished condition from that point on.

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: Cut too deep with drawknife?
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2014, 06:49:08 pm »
looks like you should be able to work around that,,, a rasp would be good