Hi Otdean,
My technique is a long way from perfect and I'm still doing a lot of hard work to polish and improve my draw, but just to share what the guys in the EWBS have passed on to me.....(and strictly as a starting point only)..........
1. Stand side-on to the target, feet shoulder width and also both pointing straight ahead, so that if you rest your bow sideways across the front of your pelvis it will be pointing directly at the target. (Assuming you're right-handed)....from an imaginary line drawn on the ground immediately in front of both feet, step directly forward a small step with your left foot (so that the left heel would just be kissing the other side of this imaginary line and turn that same foot out to 45 degrees.
2. Bend forward from the waist and put your weight in that front (left leg). So you’re leaning forward but also slightly to the left
3. Roll the pelvis forward, stick your arse out, round your back and start to draw the bow with your arms, transferring the load onto your back and shoulders muscles (where your real core strength is), as soon as you can- this is shooting "in the bow", as opposed to a T-draw target shooting style.
4. Keep bent over throughout this process, as though you're going to shoot a mole that's just popped up about 3 yards in front of you! LoL. Make sure that your weight is still primarily in the front leg….don't lean back as you draw (this feels right but in my experience is absolutely pointless because the bow is travelling backwards with you)!!!
5. Once you're getting to full draw, your right shoulder is "over the hill" and the full draw locked in, fletching in a line with your jaw, or just under and string is back to the ear at 32"(or whatever your maximum draw length is)....pivot from the waist to 45 degrees and let fly!
With no small measure of reticence, here's links to a couple of vids of me trying to put this into practise....first clip is me showing somebody else the basics of what I'm attempting to describe above, shooting a Joe Gibbs 120# with 1/4lb arrows, by the numbers....second one is me struggling to get on top of Del the Cat's lovely 130#, with MR style livery arrows, he made this for me last year (nearly there and apologies in advance for the silly "war-face"....I was really was giving it everything as Del was filming me in slo-mo)

:embarassed: LoL
http://youtu.be/es4-c4tnNSQ?list=UUwSMqDN51OgcsR9ALvXVtFwhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/7sfn09hhd4f6t1k/130%23%20English%20Yew%20-%2021.06.14..wmvAny questions on any of this this OTDEAN, I’ll be only too happy to help if I can to assist a fellow warbow archer……but do bear in mind that a video of you in action is always worth a thousand words. I'm sure that there are plenty of other more experienced archers on here that can make a better job of this than me.....maybe they'll chip in too
All the best mate.