I would agree with dan,, less early wood is preferred in most cases,, but there is not any study or documentation that i know of,, ,, that states one ring thickness makes a better bow than another,,even in osage it is very debatable,, with examples of thin ring and thick ring bows both making great bows,,, maybe if I saw an example of a thin ring flight bow,,,,and thick ring flight bow test,,, I would become enlightened,, or if I saw examples of chrono test ,, thick ring against ,, thin ring,, and the thicker ring bows had better cast,, I have never seen this,, I am open minded to a true example,,,and do learn something every day,,,and would even think that with normal bows designed to last a life time,(slightly overbuilt to stand the test of time), the ring thickness would have even less effect on performance,, flight bow design,, is a world of its own,,,,most hunting bows or target bows are not stressed to that limit,,