A couple of weeks ago I posted some pics of my almost 4 year old shooting her first bow. Bubby decided that she needed a quiver and told me one was on its way. Well I came home to a tube on my front porch and at first thought must be my trade bow. Nope, bubby not only sent me the quiver, he sent me a bow. Bubby and ive been talking about doing a personal trade with no time limit. Well he beat me to it

ocean spray sapling. Forgot to measure/ think 66" ntn. Im guessing about 50 lbs at my maxed out 26" draw. Hemp handle. Very rustic finish with cambrium on back, look and feel of true primitive bow. Shoots very smooth with a great cast. Very upset I forgot to take it to elm hall. I did work a little on his bow at elm hall and should be out soon. Bub you are a generous man!