A couple weekends ago a friend of mine took us out on his boat scalloping. We stayed out three days on the boat. I like sleeping on a boat, it's nice.
The guy on the left is the falconer and the guy on the right is my arborist and the boat captain. Yes, I get a text with an address and tree species that's laying by the road so I can just go pick it up. That bucket is one persons limit per day and the four of us limited out 2/3 days.

We caught several sharks. I got some video of this one after the release. They were very shy and wouldn't come close to the chum bag.

We went up the river to the spring to drop off our limit at the truck and hung out by the spring and washed ourselves and made new (drunk) friends that thought I was Jesus... Even after I told them I was Primitive Tim. I had to show off my aerial abilities to my new friends. After that I got all kinds of suggestions on what kind of flip to do... I did them all