Well Pat, here it is!!
I started my first bow on September 22nd and finished it on December 16th, 2007. Finding time to work on it was a bit of a challenge; I have 2 girls, one 2 years and the other 4 months old, so I was up to my hips changing diapers and working on time mangagment!!

I read Cherokee Bows and Arrows by Al Herrin and decided I want to do what everyone else on this site is doing. So I bought an osage stave from Jamie Easter and started putting my hands to work. What a great time I've had working on this bow and it's a lot of fun to shoot. Anyway, It's supposed to be a traditional Cherokee handle bow 68" ntn and draws 50 lbs @ 28". It has simple nocks and a knot that goes completely through the upper limb. I considered hollowing it out, but it looks cool the way it is matching the knot below the handle. I don't know what else to say about it except it's one of the coolest things I've done. I look forward to learning more and can't wait to start working on the next one!!

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