Right down my alley. lol
I was a poor kid. Went to the dump to find enough parts for a bicycle etc.
I grew up cheap. Had to catch my pets. I have made Flatfish, Hula Popper,
Jitterbug etc. Best story--- My 10 year old came (joint custody) down here to the river. It was to cold to get mad-toms or helgramites. (Thanksgiving)
So I said, you want to make a mad tom? Heck yeah dad, I want some bass. Lol we carved it up and painted it.
He got a 15" Largemouth first cast. We high fived did a jig and knew we were goin to be big in tackle sales. No other slimy fish mouth ever touched that

mad tom AKA stone cat, baby catfish). Any way create it do not buy it.
Go to the rapids where the canoes tip over, for poles, reels, lead, lures, beer, wine, sunglasses and jewelry. As well as a peeved bikini clad beauty.