Author Topic: New Target!  (Read 2652 times)

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New Target!
« on: July 19, 2014, 12:01:14 pm »
I got tired of my $80 target that lets arrows pass right through the center and spills un-biodegradable foam all over my backyard.  So I came up with this.
The first version used two pipe clamps on either side instead of the ratchet strap, but that was always a pain to get it set-up. This version is way easier to get all the cardboard together and the ratchet strap give way more even tension.
Just need some pieces of 2x4, which i rasped some "cable channels" in, a ratchet strap and a crap-ton of cardboard. Also, one of the hidden bonuses, if you shoot a broadhead in and can't get it out,  hitting the ratchet release will open up the cardboard enough to easily pull it out without it all falling apart.  Before, if I shot a broad head or shot from my crossbow and couldn't get the arrow out, I would have to dissassemble the entire target. 
Cheap, easy and biodegradable.
 I was considering putting a little guard infront of the ratchet to account for an errant shot, but I havn't done that yet.  An errant shot from a broadhead could also slice the webbing, but oh well, just get another ratchet strap. 

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Re: New Target!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2014, 12:07:44 pm »
Awesome idea right there Bro!... Brian
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Re: New Target!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2014, 01:44:28 pm »
Good set up, For me it's always been the trouble of finding enough cardboard
I like free stuff.

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Re: New Target!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 01:51:26 pm »
Pretty cool. My target is getting pretty shot out.
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Re: New Target!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 02:22:28 pm »
Carpet works good in the same configuration, and it lasts longer and you can usually get in free from a dumpster at a carpet store
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Re: New Target!
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 02:31:04 pm »
What I like about cardboard over carpet is that It is more biodegradable, so I don't have to worry about all the bits of stuff that get pulled out or pushed out. Grocery stores that put their boxes out are a good source for cardboard.  Also, what I like about these targets, is that you can replace just the middle pieces when they get shot out, which doesn't really require that much material, or even just rotate the middle section to another side and shoot at that for a while. Or just crank the ratchet down tighter.

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Re: New Target!
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 03:31:45 pm »
the carpet doesn't lose bit's like you may think, plus it goes in the landfill so you are really recycling ;)
but the cardboard is a great way to go I've done it quite a bit bubbles
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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Re: New Target!
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2014, 03:59:32 pm »
I should try out the carpet. I can see it shedding less than the cardboard. maybe Next time, once I use up my cardboard stash. Haha. :)