I bought my late wife a Cannon Powershot, the lens sucked and vignetted (blurred) the outside edge of the picture, took it back to Sam's and got another, it did the same thing to a lesser degree. I kept the last Cannon, got tired of fooling with it.
Long story but here goes;
I bought a digital camera when they first came out, a Kodak Easyshare DX4530, cost $450 at the time as digitals were just out on the market. I used this camera for over 20 years, rock solid and really well made, took great pictures. Every picture you see me post on the net was taken with this model camera.
A couple of years ago my camera bit the dust, I was at a loss of what to do, then thought, eBay. Sure enough, there were tons of DX4530s up for sale at give away prices, I bought two in working order for less than $20 each. One of these cameras has since developed problems but the other is still going strong.
Kodak went out of the camera business so their software (very good) no longer works, my camera dock went to the trash. I now use a USB cord, Play Memories software and fuel my camera with AA batteries instead of rechargeables.
Out in the blueberry patch, picture taken with my DX4530, resizing for message boards takes away a lot of the clarity but still pretty good.