Hi Guys,
I wasn't even sure I should ask a question like this here, but as per usual I'll just do it anyway and realise it was stupid afterwards

I see a lot of heat correction in my future. Most of my staves will need some level of bending.
I don't have any C Clamps, but I need to get a bunch of them.
Is there any disadvantage to just buying heaps of 4 or 6 inch clamps? I'm thinking the big clamps will get the minor jobs done too, but if I buy small ones I won't be able to do the major jobs that require lots of movement in a direction.
All sorts of corrections, prop twist, reflex/deflex, lateral.. you name it, my stave will need it done.
So which ones should I get? Should I get a mixture of sizes?
Eventually I'll end up with lots of clamps that I will have picked up during my travels, but for now I need to buy 10+ so I can get to work on this stave.