Excellent tiller. It could have been a little wet?
1+2+2=5" of set which happens to include an inch of follow.
Don't worry about it.
Bear with me a second on this...
I understand (I think) the definition of set and string follow that you're using here. And this is something I'v mulled over for years as well as read and participated in more than a few discussions on the subject.
We always talk about set in inches (e.g. total number of inches deformed from the original profile, irrespective of induced reflex). The problem that I struggle with is that I don't really believe set can be truly measured in inches. String follow is of course measured in inches because string follow IS how much the bow bends towards or away from the string when all is said and done. Therefore string follow is a 'length.'
But I would like to argue that set isn't really a 'length.' Because set is really about damage to the structure of the wood. So, I would pose the question, does two inches of set in, say Osage, and two inches of set in, say Oak, cause the same loss energy to transferred to the arrow. Or to put it another way, does the amount of set in different woods produce the same increase in hysteresis and/or limb vibration (ultimately energy that is not going into the arrow). My feeling is that it does not, although at this point that is just a conjecture.
Maybe this is fodder for just another "set," "string follow," energy in wood type discussions... but I figured I'd add it here.
Whats interesting about this case (given what I just wrote) is this question: if you induce reflex, lose it in tillering, re-induce it, and than lose it again, have you done an equal amount of damage to the wood in both tillering sessions? Perhaps, but perhaps not. Again my feeling is probably not (I'd guess that most of the damage to the wood was done in the initial tillering session, because the strcutre of the wood is fundamentally different after heat treating it....)
Thoughts? Should I start another thread? Should I go to bed

BTW, Sweet bend on that puppy Greg, that's a great looking bow.
p.s. definitely not trying to start and argument with you Jawge, just wondering if we can expand on what "set" really is.