One the tips are back about 6 or 7" GET IT BRACED, even if you only brace to say 5".
The pull on a braced string is is a different direction, the angles and leverage are totally different and the shape of the tiller will change (maybe not much, but it will.
If you really want to see what happens, mark where the tips have pulled down to on the back board. Brace it and pull the tips down to the same point, (taking care to watch the poundage and tiller so it doesn't go bang*) take a picture and see if they are the same. While you are at it, not the poundage at those two test points. They won't be the same...
Lookin' good so far

*I've had a warbow pulled back to 100# on a long string many times, I braced it and pulled it back to... BANG... it never made the 100#

Long string and short string pounds are not the same thing.
That's why I said go by tip deflection rather than poundage.... if the tips come back 7", they should come back 7" again without going bang regardless of the string length..