I built a bottom board, top cover and inside cover for this borrowed hive body. So yesterday I revisited the hive. It was cool, cloudy, and a bit drizzle. With that in mind, I didn't want to disturb the hive much at all, so it was a rush job.
I took the plywood sheet off the top, peeked in and was pleasantly surprised to find that 5 frames are nearly covered with honey, pollen, and very tiny brood. The queen must be laying at full production rates! I placed the hive on the bottom board, put in a restrictor to close down the opening to about 40% open, laid on the inside cover and top cover. All this without a puff of smoke!
Best of all....On one frame, I found the queen. She's marked. This is not a wild hive at all, but something that flew in from a commercial hive in the neighborhood.