Here's a very interesting and sort of contradictory result here

I'm testing a bow I'm currenty working on (it's about 60# at 20" at the moment)
With a 3" brace it drew to 15" at 50# (that's 15" measured as conventional draw from back of bow)
I loosened the string so it would just slip onto the bow easily. The string hung to the 8" mark
I pulled it back to 50# and the string pulled back to the 16.5" mark.
So that's just 8" of draw on the long string vs 15" (or 12 if you subtract the brace height) on a long string

Why the discrepancy between my result and Badger's?
My guess,
two three possible reasons:-
1. The bow isn't finished and isn't being pulled to full draw length (so angles are different)
2. I'm pulling to a fixed
weigh, not a fixed
3. Maybe there is some difference in measuring draw vs sting movement ? I think we need to spell out v carefully exactly what we measure.
It would be interesting if Badger would repeat my test, see if he sees the same thing..
This is getting V intersting!