Author Topic: Rant/ rough couple of days....  (Read 3871 times)

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Offline Dharma

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Re: Rant/ rough couple of days....
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2014, 10:34:52 pm »
The general SOP for operations like WalMart is to try and get you to give up by dragging it out. The key is to let them know you're not going to give up and go away. That you can write letters to the local paper, picket their store on sidewalk public property, and cause them all kinds of bad press. Send them a registered, certified letter with photocopies of the receipt for the oil change and all documents related to the engine failure due to their negligence. State in the letter you want full satisfaction within 10 days of receipt of the letter. If 10 days go by and they do not respond, initiate the letters to the editor and picketing. With the registered letter, they can't say they didn't know about it. You'll have the name of who signed for it.
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Offline Marks

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Re: Rant/ rough couple of days....
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2014, 10:35:17 am »
I have a friend who worked the register for the automotive center at walmart and they had a customer whose engine seized up before they got out of the parking lot because they forgot to put any oil back in it. Most places around here show you the dipstick level before you leave.

Offline bow101

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Re: Rant/ rough couple of days....
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2014, 10:59:01 am »
A Walmart here in MO did the same thing to my sister's truck. They never did make good on fixing it. I hope you have better luck with them than she had.

Women always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to Vehicles.  Sad story, very sad, I hate to hear about stuff like that.  I do most of my repairs and service.  In last the 15 years I maybe brought my car to a mechanic shop 3 times.
I'm the kind of guy that does not go out and spend $200 on a tool I need for a job that the Mechanic can do for $120.
And then that tool sits around for 20 years collecting dust. I have pullers buried somewhere in garage.......... ???
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."  Joseph Campbell

Offline Badger

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Re: Rant/ rough couple of days....
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2014, 11:39:36 am »
  Courts are very familiar with cases like yours and will seldom rule against your claim. 99% chance you would win, wal mart knows this and will likley settle. You may want to file a case in small claims just to get the ball rolling. Maybe write them a letter demanding a new engine and if the refuse file a small claims suit. I think about $5,000 is pretty common in most states for small claims.