Chris, bow is not really on the edge of breaking, just on the edge of taking set. I could probably tiller it out to 28" but I would loose a lot of relfex and some of the snap.
Allen, glad you chimed in. I was about to make up a bunch of 22" arrows for this bow. I keep forgetting primitve stops at 23'.
Something I see almost everytime I make a bow using no set tillering is I get just a little bit of forgiveness and healing if I don't go too far. Say I overdraw 1" and it looses a pound or so. When it sits for a few hours the weight comes back and I get another shot at tillering the weight down instead of compressing it down.
It makes me think of a legal way to cheat at a weigh in just the way boxers do at weigh ins. They sweat off a bunch of weight before a fight to make weight and then over the next 24 hours rehydrate and put on 5 or 6 pounds. A flight bow could be slighlty over drawn for a temporary weight loss to make a weigh in and then set back down for a few hours to heal up. I tries this with my broadhead bow and could bot compress an ounce out of it even with a 3" overdraw. I had to go back and scrape another pound out of it.