PA is my facebook
PA is more like facebook than most of you old timers realize. PA is just simplified Facebook with a theme and direction. Most of you get on here daily to see what your friends have posted about there day and/or to let them know what you are doing. There is a thread title on here called "What did you do today". We like to post pictures about ourselves and our hobbies. If you need info or have problems you ask questions. Drama gets started from time to time. You get to reconnect with old friends.
I don't want to offend anyone when I say this but the word I'm fixing to use is taken the wrong way often.
I think a lot of the older generation are against certain things because they are 'ignorant'
of them and how they work. Facebook is a very controlled environment. There are privacy settings to control who can and can't see your info and you can control whose info you see. You can even make it where some friends can see things that other friends can't. If you don't like someone 'unfriend' them or don't accept their friend request. If you get tired of a friend posting about their dog you can 'hide' their posts. If a crazy ex stalks you you can 'block' them. You can also 'block' certain games request if you don't like giving trees.
I do believe FB is generational. Those who grew up before cell phones and social media aren't used to how available and public these things make their lives. Some take to it and others don't. Its a choice but I don't like when the ones who don't choose to partake badmouth those who do.
I basically agree with you marks
Facebook is no different then this Pa forum other than the mods and I can do my own moderating on face book .
If you have friends that spew junk on facebook they most likely do it in person also, so its your choice whether to hang around them or not .
I am glad to have facebook to keep up with grand kids that live away from here and other friends for that matter , i have friends in many foreign countries that would be hard for me to stay in touch with without facebook , my skills for computer are very lacking and Facebook is easy , I can even put pics on it and that is more than I can say for this site most days !
If Pa did not have this site I would say most of us would be on facebook a whole lot more trying to stay in touch
Take care my friends and stay in touch how ever you may chose to do it just do it !