Wow!, excellent pics Swamp Monkey. Those are from the collection? I am trying to retrieve photos I took of an Ojibway atlatl in Minnesota, but the photo seems to be in a dead zone on an old phone. I think
Thunderbird Atlatls has something very similar. Not being familiar with that style, are those shark teeth on the Calusa? An aside on the topic, I get a lot of question about the atlatl whenever I go to the range to practice

. Seems like I spend more time explaining than casting! And I am an old duffer! Haven't made my own atlatl or darts yet, but maybe someday. So many things to do, so little time!
Remember : Old is 40 years older than we will ever be! Go mahir is go gahir(Irish) May you live
Long and may you wear it out. Life is far too serious to be taken that way