Author Topic: Key Marco Atlatl revisited  (Read 9245 times)

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Offline Hawkdancer

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Key Marco Atlatl revisited
« on: December 11, 2016, 09:05:24 pm »
Wow!,  excellent pics Swamp Monkey.  Those are from the collection?  I am trying to retrieve photos I took of an Ojibway atlatl in Minnesota, but the photo seems to be in a dead zone on an old phone.  I think
Thunderbird Atlatls has something very similar.  Not being familiar with that style, are those shark teeth on the Calusa?  An aside on the topic, I get a lot of question about the atlatl whenever I go to the range to practice :) :).  Seems like I spend more time explaining than casting!  And I am an old duffer!  Haven't made my own atlatl or darts yet, but maybe someday.  So many things to do, so little time! 

Remember : Old is 40 years older than we will ever be!  Go mahir is go gahir(Irish) May you live
Long and may you wear it out.  Life is far too serious to be taken that way
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline swamp monkey

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Re: Key Marco Atlatl revisited
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 12:42:00 pm »
The picture of the three atlatls together are of replicas I made.  The journal pages are my notes.  Some of the notes came from Cushing's work.  He recorded some measurements.  I expanded that a bit using his sketches as reference. 

Yes, those teeth are shark.  Tiger shark to be exact.  I cut myself a few times tying and gluing them in place.  This atlatl could be a thrower, club or slasher.  Vicious!!

This Ojibiway atlatl can you describe it?  I assume from the context that it was similar to the Clausa throwers.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Key Marco Atlatl revisited
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2016, 12:12:53 am »
I hope the reply I just typed posted:) :(. If not I'll try again.

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Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Key Marco Atlatl revisited
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2016, 12:30:33 am »
Seems like it was of the flatter wider style, more like the University of Missouri artifact.  I need to learn a bit mor about them:).  I am looking for a pattern or help making an antler shaft straightener.  I envision using an antler fork and boring a diagonal hole at about a 45 degree angle.  Came by some elk antler that should work fine
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Offline swamp monkey

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Re: Key Marco Atlatl revisited
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 10:32:00 am »
Hawkdancer,  please let me know if you want any measurements off any of the atlatls I have made.  I am happy to oblige.  As for an arrow wrench.  I have made one from a bison rib. Not real complicated.  What you describe with the elk antler will work fine.  Just make sure you round the edges on one part of the hole you drill.  no need to round the edge of the complete hole.  Just in the direction you will be applying pressure.  You will essentially "roll" the straightener along a very short section of the arrow shaft and need a rounded surface for that.  This keeps a sharp edge from biting into your arrow shaft and leaving a mark.

best of luck and enjoy your casting!