Well, it's been a few days and I thought I'd check back in. I had to fix up my tillering tree and put in a chalkboard back. Now to get a beam compass and chalk so I can draw in target curves as needed.
But, I got the bow braced at 6-1/2" (I probably stick with that).

and here it is drawing to 17" @ 40#

I notice a little bit of limb torque when I first took it to full brace, but I'm working the right side as I tiller and it is coming back toward center.

I have lost about 3/4" of reflex at this point, but Boo usually gives up more than a lot of other woods.

for those interested, here is the hardware. The SS threaded insert has the same OD as the brass bushing (3/8") and the small brass tube is 7/32 with an .014 wall, so an 1/8" brass rod slides in snug.

by glueing the limbs to the square riser, I was able to drill straight through with 2 seperate diameter drill bits and guarantee that I had perfect alignment without trying to make precision drill fixtures. The trick is to use weak white glue (kids glue) and glue a piece of 30# cheap construction paper between the limb and riser. After drilling, a quick twist of the limb shears the paper without damaging either wood surface (old wood bowl turning trick I picked up). All you have to do is make sure everything is in line when you glue it up. One caveat - each limb is dedicated to one side of the riser, they aren't swappable.