Anyone on here is welcome to critique or ask questions about any bow I post. I know that I could learn something from anyone of the guys on this site, most of what I already know I got from you guys anyway.

Not sure I have any unique or special methods for getting a bow made and if you ask me how I did somethings I may not have a clear answer or I may have forgotten what I did during the course of making the bow in question as that is my nature. I usually just plow into them and see what comes out, not the best approach I know but I just enjoy making them.
I do enjoy reading the discussions of others more knowledgeable than myself, it's always interesting to me and I've learned quite a bit from these discussions. As long as there is talk about bows and bow making I'll be here soaking it in...... and who knows I'll probably learn a thing or two from Pearly when he post his girly bow.