For us newbs, please be patient

I'm not trying to start a war or even an argument. It's just that I was a little confused reading that other thread. Questions started rolling.
Is it OK to use a heat gun, belt sander, bandsaw, etc, in procuring 'primitive' bows? What about epoxies, resins and the like?
If I use TBIII, For example, how different is that from using glue I might make myself from hooves, skins and snouts?
What if I use synthetic fibers to make strings to shoot arrows made from aluminum or carbon and plastic with my 'traditional' bow?
Personally, all I use is a table saw, and sometimes a jig saw for power tools, a few files hand planes and scrapers, tightbond and white carpenter's glue, and natural oils and stains. But I don't look down my schnorchel at folks who use more power tools than I use, or resins and epoxies...or even fiberplastics.
I think most primitive bowyers from back in the day would scratch their heads if they saw us shunning any modern material or method/process that would make our bows better. They'd be incensed if we told them it was a no-no to adopt new technologies and to evolve their methods. Hey, I'm just playing devil's advocate here...
So what do you think? Where do you draw the line personally?
Hoping this will be a productive and friendly discussion. No potshots please.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts.