"Modern primitive archery" I like it! Oooga ooga ooga. Ron
Hmmmmm...modern primative to me is a term for those ultra-pierced folks you see, with millions of tribal tattoes and enough rings in their lips that you can hoist them up into the air.

They are often clerks in convenience stores or record stores, lol. Sometimes, they use jello to dye their hair bright green or blue or red.
I hope this makes sense, but primitive is a state of mind, for me in any case. When I work with a hand plane or a rasp or a draw knife, I tend to feel a bit of kindship with those who would not have known electrical tools, even if I am using an electiric light on my workbench, and the house is heated by natural gas, etc. It is being willing to slow way down and learn to become one with a hand tool, and working with the materials instead of making them conform to a predetermined state. It is also striving to make an object of functional beautfy, which our society isn't perhaps much into, such as cell phones, throw away appliances, plastics, and all that stuff.