Author Topic: Southern Indiana and Lexington Virginia  (Read 4748 times)

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Offline Zuma

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Southern Indiana and Lexington Virginia
« on: June 06, 2014, 11:55:53 am »
Two Knap-ins
Southern Indiana and Lexington Virginia.

Eric Morris Indiana June  14-15, 2013

I’ve been holding a knap-in every Father’s Day weekend for many years down in “Old Town” Leavenworth, Indiana.  It is a beautiful site near the Ohio River.

This will be the 20th consecutive year.  There will be dealers from across the country selling their crafts and knapping stone.  Vendors and knappers can come in on Thursday and leave Monday.

SO, if you want to learn about the flint knapping art in Southern Indiana, drop in at my knap-in.  You will have the opportunity to buy quality flint and tools as well as learn how to use them.

There is no charge for the public to attend the knap-in.

There will be a $25 fee for vending and a $10 fee for camping on site.  Limited electric available.

Please call or email for more info - 812-968-4615

Pete Davis Virginia
                                                        House Mountain Knap-In 2014

    Summer is here and it's time to break some rock! Come join us the weekend of July 18, 19 and  20, 2014 for the sixth annual House Mountain Knap-In near Lexington, Va.  The event is free and open to the public. Please come to watch, swap tales and help us grow our ever-expanding flake pile.

    The Knap-In will be held near the end of Bird Forest Road on the western slope of House Mountain in Rockbridge County, Va. Our property is a 500 acre mountain estate that attaches to the 900-acre Virginia House Mountain Preserve. The country here is undeveloped, wild and beautiful. Oak ridges surround our location and rise up to the twin crests of spectacular House Mountain. Not so long ago this area was home to the ancient peoples of the Collier's Creek valley. Now we continue tradition and knap along their paths.

    All flint knappers, primitive skills folk and interested persons are welcome and invited to attend.

Both of these meets are great and located in great places.
If you are a good detective the past is at your feet. The future belongs to Faith.

Offline paoliguy

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Re: Southern Indiana and Lexington Virginia
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 01:06:07 pm »
Hmmm, Leavenworth, IN is just down the road from me. I may have to go pay this a visit. Thank you for the info!


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Re: Southern Indiana and Lexington Virginia
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 02:51:27 am »

House Mountain Knap-In 2014

    Summer is here and it's time to break some rock! Come join us the weekend of July 18, 19 and  20, 2014 for the sixth annual House Mountain Knap-In near Lexington, Va.  The event is free and open to the public. Please come to watch, swap tales and help us grow our ever-expanding flake pile.

    The Knap-In will be held near the end of Bird Forest Road on the western slope of House Mountain in Rockbridge County, Va. Our property is a 500 acre mountain estate that attaches to the 900-acre Virginia House Mountain Preserve. The country here is undeveloped, wild and beautiful. Oak ridges surround our location and rise up to the twin crests of spectacular House Mountain. Not so long ago this area was home to the ancient peoples of the Collier's Creek valley. Now we continue tradition and knap along their paths.

    All flint knappers, primitive skills folk and interested persons are welcome and invited to attend.  Feel free to bring guests. Come to break some rock, shoot your bow, to learn, explore and have fun. You needn't be a knapper to enjoy the event. Flintknapping is a skill that dates far into prehistory.  Over the years this event has grown and always draws an interesting crowd.

    Our main knapping area is a large restored double log barn, out of the sun and rain. We'll have other work and display areas set up outside the barn and around the grounds. There will be some stone for sale.
    We'll be shooting archery and atlatl during the day. Some of our archers regularly take game with primitive gear and others just shoot for fun. Please bring that favorite bow and arrows and have a go at our targets. See an atlatl dart sent whizzing by an experienced atlatlist and learn the technological concepts associated with ancient hunting weapons that kept mankind alive for thousands of years. We do require that when children shoot archery at our range, that a responsible adult  accompany them at all times as we cannot provide a range officer.

    The Knap-In doubles as an informal Indian artifact show. Each year we have artifact collections brought in for evaluation and display. Some of our knappers are expert in the field of point typology and specialize in regional styles and methods of manufacture. We would love to see your artifacts and hopefully tell you something about what you have found. Look for some interesting displays this year.

There will be a demonstration of flintlock weapons Saturday after dinner, as well as storytelling presentation. If there is enough interest we can do a trade blanket.
    Knappers are welcome to vend their wares of raw stone, rough forms and finished art. Let's trade some rock and blades!

    The location for the Knap-In is easily accessed from Interstate 64 in Rockbridge County, Va., and from the town of Lexington.  We have well water on site, multiple camping areas with water and plenty of space, porta-johns, and a few limited bedrooms in the main house. Overnighters will want to bring some food, there is refrigeration on site. The knapping barn is also huge so feel free to bring a small cot and stay there if you wish. We have generously been provided this location by the owner and simply ask that guests treat the property as their own.

    There will be a full meal served on Saturday evening at 6 p.m. We'll put out plenty to eat, but feel welcome to bring a favorite dish or beverages. We'll have soft drinks and water on hand as well.

    Standard advice to guests: no smoking inside the barn please, no illegal substances, dogs are OK if they are OK with other dogs and people. We will ask this year only because we have to, please keep your children under your control. This event features multiple sharp and dangerous objectamd fragile things of value on display.

    If you think you want to attend, please let us know so we can plan for the Saturday evening meal. Email or call at the cell number below. Town and stores are 25 minutes away in Lexington.

    Directions from your map server should use the destination 1205 Bird Forest Road, Lexington, Virginia 24450. The actual Knap-In location is slightly downhill of 1205. Bird Forest Road is a cul-de-sac so you will find us.

From the west, travelling eastward on Interstate 64: get off at the Goshen Exit (#43)> left at end of exit ramp> down hill under bridges 1/2 mile>
turn right at Intersection onto 850/Old US 60 east> head toward Lexington on 850/Old Rt 60 east> drive over crest of North Mountain and under Interstate bridge (again) and drop down into Kerr's Creek Valley on Old Rt. 60.Three miles down the valley on 850/Old US 60, take the second state road on the right, Rt. 646 (Big Hill Rd).
There will be signs here for Collierstown Presbyterian Church and Lake
Robertson.Go up and over Big Hill, down the other side, go six miles altogether, and pass dumpsters on the right. 1/3 mile beyond those, pass an old green cinderblock store building on the right.
Just after the old store, bear left onto Turnpike Road (672)(careful at this intersection). Go up and over the crest of the ridge and drop down into Birdforest Valley.At the bottom of the hill, take a left onto Birdforest Road(644). Drive in three miles, and the Knap-In location will be on your left. Parking is in front of the barn.

From the east: Take the Kerr's Creek Exit off of I-64, left at end of ramp, go 1/2 mile to intersection with 850/Old Rt. 60.Take a right onto 850/Old Rt. 60 west, go several miles, pass the Kerrs Creek Fire House on right, pass Kerr's Creek Baptist Church on left. 1/2
mile beyond the church, take a left onto Rt. 646, Big Hill Road. Copy above direction from that point to complete.

Hope to see you there!

Pete Davis
