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Handle -Wrapping with leather?
I like a cordage wrapped handle, the smaller diameter hemp cord from wally world works good.
I thin some elmers glue down and saturate the handle, after its dry I use a coat or 2 of spar varnish.
Provides a sure grip and is weatherproof.
Dana, that sounds of interest. Would you mind posting a picture of a finished hemp cord handle? I'd like to see (or hear) how its done. I suppose that stuff could be dyed as well? I recall seeing tan colored cordage, but I'd like black. Thinking soaking the roll in Rit dye might do it - maybe even give an interesting pattern soaking it while on the roll. ??
I'm also curious where folks get their leather and cord when building a stitched handle. Unfortunately, my hunting skills (time, really) has been lacking - I have no hides. But I did pick up an old leather coat from Goodwill, and have it stripped into pieces. A little thin, but I'm using contact cement to see if I can stack the pieces to get it thicker/stronger. Maybe I'll give that old cow a second life. :)
And the cord to stitch, leather shoe string??
Pat B:
Here are a few I did with the hemp from Wally World that Dana talked about. After I wrap the hemp around the handle area, I saturate it with Massey finish...2ton epoxy thinned with acetone.
The last 2 pics are of "Trouble Maker" the wrap was the first time I tried the hemp and it was a necessity because this was the 4th time I attempted to hold this bow together. It is a tri-lam bow and the lam splices at the handle area and the handle riser kept coming apart. This held it all together. Pat
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Thanks Dana, I may give that a shot. This method seems to make for a good all weather bow.
Pat B:
I'm beginning to prefer this type of handle wrap for hunting bows. No matter what the weather is you get a good purchase on the handle. Pat
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