Main Discussion Area > HowTo's and Build-a-longs
Handle -Wrapping with leather?
I see some nice bows with stiched handles of leather. I've been searching for a how-to or a build-a-long for the best way to do it -- am I missing it? Can someone give some pointers on how to do it? Thanks! -m
This might help you!!! ;)
I was going to reccomend ferrets site, and also Sparky's (Roger) was helpful to me - sorry, don't know how to post the actual site but their here :).
Perfect fellers! Thanks!
I think I like the wrapped handle now instead of the full stitched leather. I suppose I'll have to dig in and try to make another bow, trying both to see which I like best. :) This is rather addicting.
Ferrit's site is good.I use it myself.However I would'nt mind seeing GregB do a builalong on his stiching work.I would like to learn how to stich the top and bottom of the leather grip to make it a little more appealing.So how about it GregB? tradrick
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