visiting some friends this weekend, i couldnt resist going up into the hills to get some yews.
i've had great luck in the area before, so i explored a little deeper, and in 4-5 hours i found 50-60
yews of various sizes. I was alone, so i didnt want to get to far off the road, or cut any trees i couldnt
handle by myself. mostly smaller trees and branches, but it was awesome to see them doing so well
up there, next time i'll be returning with a bigger saw and a buddy. heres a few pics

a branch i took from a big one


decent ring count

pretty girl

i found an area with over 20 yews, many in rough shape, most had multiples leaders like this one

feelin good! a buddy helped me put the few flawless ones through his bandsaw. i was taking no chances splitting them.

oh ya, 9 ocean spray staves on the left there too