That tiller looks good. I think you should just leave it as is. However, I like that bend in the left limb more than the bend in the right limb. The right limb has a slight weak spot in the fade, just out from the handle. Then it also has a slight stiff spot in the mid limb. It's all really minor, but it would be good for your next bows if you can see these two spots yourself as well. There's no need to change them at this point, however.
Since the tiller is good and the bow didn't fail, it's time to tidy up the tips and the handle. You could probably lighten the tips, although I can't see how wide (heavy) they are. Also cut off some of that excess wood after the string groove. You should also round the handle, but try not to cut in an arrow shelf. Trust me, you will regret that later on. If you insist on some kind of arrow shelf, it's better to glue on a shelf as opposed to cut a window into the handle. A few pieces of leather or some cork is plenty to make a tiny bulge that will hold the arrow. Wrap it with leather and presto.