Hello, and thank you all for your replays...like i said before, the bow has some hand schock , but its fine...its not like it makes your entire body shake...

)...i wanted to use walnut purely for the looks...honestly i dont know what diference there is betwen walnut, and another type of wood, when u want to make syihas like these...i made them really thinn..its 14mm at the widest point, and 9mm, at the nock...i dopnt have to many expectation from this bow..im happy i could make somethinf out of that small piece of yew.i have a great respect for wood in general, but specialy for yew, becose its so dificult to find it, and i really didnt want to give up on this small piece of yew...the entire lenght of the yew, was 47"...thank you alot for your nice words and also for your critiques...i always said, that this forum is a fantastic place where you can learn alot, and for me it worked...im happy i could posted some new bows...its been a long time since i havent build bows, and now it will take some time, untill i will be able to work some bows again..im moving to a diferent country, and everithing is quite crazy right now....thanks again, and i wish you all the best....i will keep an eye aniway to see what is going on arrounde here..