Hey all so anyone who has seen this post
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,46649.0.html will know that i plan on making a Arm mounted Crossbow thingy. well iv'e been looking at the crossbow and assembled and taken it to pieces a few times to get an idea of how it works.
Ive decided to do a build along type thing as i think some people might like to try making it for them selfs. This is completely experimental and probably quite dangerous, so perfect for me. Here are a few pictures ive taken of it assembled to show you guys what im working with
The red line on the picture Below shows were i plan on removing plastic and atatching to a Custom FG arm mould im going to mount it on. Also the Metal prod is 80Lbs and thats way to hard to load with one hand, I plan on making a bow to the same shape and dimensions from FG around 20-30Lbs.
Here are some pictures of it so far and ill keep you all posted on how it goes. Any questions/Sugestions Welcome.
Here you can see two metal prods that pull the string back, they are connected to a handle. Below.
Oh and a FD pic for ya.