You asked about reflex?
On a bow that bends through the handle, I'd reflex only the tips. In this case, the tips don't bend at all, so keep the reflexed area relatively short. And I'd use steam rather than a heat gun. To be precise: I'd bend the thing with steam, and then toast it slighlty with a heat gun while it still sits in the jig or whatever you used.
You might try and reflex the rest of the bow, but in my opinion, it's no point. The reflex will wear out. Some bowyers believe that a toasted belly is in better equilibrium with the untoasted back on some woods, but I know nothing about this. Have someone else answer that question.

A reflexed handle looks real cool on most bows and is a great way to hanlde a deflex stave, but the bow must be longer to correct. For a quick guess, add the reflex to the draw leght.