Just finished this little osage bow, haven't put it on the scale but feels around 45# at 25" draw. This is the first I've made from the pile of osage my good buddy Paul Semp gave me a little over a year ago, thank ya Paul. Put a couple hundred arrows thru it between yesterday and today, decent cast for the weight and quiet in the hand. Adjusted the way I grip the bow after reading Fred Asbell's chapter in Bowyer's Bible vol.2 and it really made a difference in the way
the bow handles, getting a silent arrow send-off and a smoother shooting bow with more accurate shots.
Finish is beeswax and boot grease (pitch & mink oil), heated and rubbed in three coats.
Handle is deerskin over padded cork on belly with a couple strings of glass beads.
D97 string padded at loops with dacron and mink fur silencers.
Little brown 'wishbone' and white dot accent paint in acrylic.
Heat treated (to the point of accidently scorching in a few areas

) as you can probably see in the pics.
Thanks for looking, Greg