Someone mentioned a band saw blade. I use a heavier band saw blade made for cutting steel. You can normally get them for free at metal shops after they get dull. I just treat the back of it, side without teeth, like a card scraper and burnish a nice edge on it, both sides. So I can use it in both directions. Now the tool that holds the blade is special made by a friend of mine. It's pretty much just two pieces of steel with 2 bolts welded to one piece with holes drilled to match on the other one. Then two bolts welded on each end with elk horns for handles. Its awesome! You can take a large curle off or just a very fine one. The saw blades are easy to cut and a small piece is really nice for working around knots on Osage. I also just today used a piece of the blade in a paint scraper that takes replaceable blades.

Here are the results!