This is my first attempted stave bow, my 30lb board bow was so fun to make the moment I saw this sapling in the woods I pounced on it! The Bowyer's bibles are on my list for when I have a bit more cash!
I've got the tips at 3/4 of an inch, I'll thin them down to half an inch then and yeah I agree the handle section is too long, I wasn't paying attention when I roughed it out with an axe. I've looked at some of his bows and I'm certainly not going for anything as ambitious as that first time round, but just a gentle channel that tapers out at the tips. That's a very nice offer, and as much as I'd like some Oregon ash I think me living in England will make any such plans difficult!
Today I thinned the limbs out a bit and put some temporary knocks in and started to pull it a bit, and worked up to a low brace, here's how I left it:
String alignment and limb twist issues:

On the stick:

Started to pull it a bit:

The obvious thing I need to sort out is the right limb, I think loosen up the outer half? I'm just worried about removing much wood around the knots in that limb. Then I'll thin the tips and try and sort out the limb twist and alignment issues, how would I best do that?