Author Topic: Horn Nock Cross Section  (Read 3572 times)

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Don Case

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Re: Horn Nock Cross Section
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2014, 09:48:15 pm »
Ha!!! I'd hate to count how many engine parts I've ruined trying to drill out broken studs. :-[ :-[ Unless horn is a lot harder than yew I would mess that up big time.

Offline PatM

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Re: Horn Nock Cross Section
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2014, 09:56:49 pm »
Pilot hole with small drill bit and then progress to the actual shaped bore.

Don Case

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Re: Horn Nock Cross Section
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2014, 09:59:02 pm »
It was getting the pilot hole in the center. I think I have two left eyes, and I'm right eye dominant ;)

Offline toomanyknots

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Re: Horn Nock Cross Section
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2014, 10:47:11 pm »
I've drilled on a horn that was filled with wood a couple times, worked out fine. The drill bit broke up the wood pretty easy. COOOLL pic Del! That's something you could use in a book or something. Very cool! I have gotten pretty crazy with my drill bit nowadays. I sharpen the edges like a knife, I go from wet stone, to leather strop with a bit of polish, back to the wet stone, then back to the strop, etc. After I am done, I take my carbide thingy I use to roll the edges of my scraper, and roll the sharpened edges just like a scraper. After that, it tears through the horn like crazy. :) It makes lots of shavings instead of the dust it used to before I used to roll the edges.
"The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow-
 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
 the part that has too little is increased."

- Tao Te Ching, 77, A new translation by Victor H. Mair