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Author Topic: My second Molly : tiller check  (Read 2689 times)

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Offline Poggins

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Re: My second Molly : tiller check
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2014, 11:42:08 am »
There are a few dips from side to side on that limb as well as a little snake to the bow , I used the caliper when I was scraping the back to keep the thickness the same side to side on the dips .
Been usingy phone to take the pics and it doesn't show it very good , I need to get outside in the sun and try again .


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Re: My second Molly : tiller check
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2014, 01:48:21 pm »
Not much to add here....other than that stave wasn't a very good candidate for a lever bow because of the crooks n such..especially the one at the lever fade there...I'm guessing your string doesn't track true down center of the lever,and in doing so it will now need to have more mass in the lever to maintain lateral stability.... think recurve when choosing stock for a lever bow...straight with no crooks

Offline Poggins

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Re: My second Molly : tiller check
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2014, 02:29:19 pm »
I was well aware that this peace of wood wasn't the best canidate for this , please forgive me if this upsets anyone , I didn't mean to I was just practicing on some lesser wood instead of my good wood ( kinda like the knappers say " break a lot of lesser grade rock before you start on the good stuff ).
This bow will work for what I have planned for it ( bowfishing ) it may set in my truck at work till I get off and stop by the river to shoot a few carp .
I promice to set a couple of good staves back for a try at a good Molly later , just the way things have been lately I didn't want to take a chance of ruining a good stave .
Working on something challenging helps clear my mind , I pay more attention to what I'm working on and think less of the way my day had been ( working on a turnpike next to 80mph traffic and being short handed at our barn , low man on the totem pole , three bosses , two senors and a supervisor ).

Just looking for advice and getting some practice in .
I guess if causes bad vibes I'll reframe from posting my practice peaces and only post the ones that I'm more serious with .


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Re: My second Molly : tiller check
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2014, 04:08:45 pm »
It doesn't upset me that ya post it...and you should be glad ya did because your getting good advice on how to make a better one...if ya hadn't ya wouldn't have gotten it and wouldn't come to the table with as much as ya know now if ya hadn't, and when ya do get to a good stave and really try to eek every bit of cast out of one you'll be more equipped to do so ;) ..BTW...I'm still trying to eek everything I can out of these designs and have more to learn yet I'm sure myself...isn't this stuff fun ;) :)

Offline Poggins

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Re: My second Molly : tiller check
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2014, 04:30:18 pm »
Thanks Blackhawk , I have good straight wood but its green cut back in February .
I didn't want anyone thinking I was bragging on my work , I don't have the numbers under my belt like a lot of you do , I'm just looking to learn as much as I can so maybe I can pass that knowledge on to someone else .