A few of those species you might not of thought of. Flowering dogwood, american persimmon, hickories with preference towards pignut and shagbark species along with pecans, red and white mulberry, maybe american hophornbeam, american hornbeam, witch hazel, southern hackberry/sugarberry, various ornamentals like crepe myrtle, black cherry might qualify but it's very temperamental, most of the fruit/nut trees that may of been planted should be considered for potential. Sassafras is borderline bow wood but probably around where you are as well.
Along with various species of oak and the other trees you mentioned, these trees probably make up the majority of your forest over-story and understory trees if you throw some poplar and pines in there. Bow making is a good hobby when you live in the southeastern woods. Not much osage around, but we have such wonderful hardwood forest full of so many straight growing trees.