I'm just wondering about the quality since its made in Canada.
I wasn't implying that Canada made products are poor quality. I know that the USA Nicholson files are good but when they went to Brazil the quality went downhill bad. I just didn't know anything about the quality of the Canada files.
Gundoc: I'm glad someone got my joke! 
Lol, all in fun, like some of us we just skip thru the threads. Missed the one about " I'm kind of worried about the rasp trying to argue with me all the time. "
But on the other hand I will Argue with you if ya want.........

Do us Canuckanucks like to Argue..? We all joke around about people in other parts of the country, its what makes us Americans. Sure I'm Canadian but in truth we are all American and proud of it. We make moon up here to, race stock cars, roast hogs on the fire and all that good stuff. Not enough Bowyers though.......