I'm stupid - never looked at the profile! There's a guy in Quapaw with a heck of a quarry and lets you spall your own Keokuk, but rules don't allow me to post it here so you can send me a message if you are interested. There is also Kay Co Chert (called Florence A sometimes) that is also in the tall grass prairies of NE OK.
Knapper however has a good point - if it's going to cost you $40-$80 to go get rock that needs to be heat treated anyway, you could certainly get a large flat rate box of good heat treated rock from any number of people for the lower end of that scale.
Near you, there is this but I have no idea if the possible materials I highlighted are good:
Bromide, Springbrook deposit, also called Viola prospect, 3 mi. SW of Bromide, NW1/4 SW1/4 sec.l3 and NE1/4 SE1/4 sec.l4, T.2S, R.7E, prospect trenches, mineralized fault zone in Chimneyhill Limestone: ankerite, calcite (manganoan, gray to reddish-brown), dolomite, glauconite, hausmannite (tiny pyramids, veinlets), hematite, manganite, neotocite, pyrite, quartz (
some chalcedony), rhodochrosite, siderite (Merritt 1941; Ham and Oakes 1944).
Pontotoc, W of Pontotoc, top and flanks of a hill, SW1/4 sec.l6, T.lS, R.6E, long trench, bog iron-ore deposit, Arbuckle Dolomite outcrops: goethite (cellular, fine needles lining cavities, rhombohedra after siderite), hematite, quartz (
chert), wavellite (radiating needle crystals) (Merritt 1940a).
Thompson Ranch, NE of Mill Creek, NW1/4 sec.15, T.1S, R.5E., in clay: barite* (crystals, white with bluish interiors), calcite, goethite (after pyrite cubes), pyrite, quartz (
chalcedony), siderite (Ham and Merritt 1944).