Stories of Robin Hood when I was a kid

When I was older I worked with a guy who was a county level target archer who was a bit of a mentor. Stocky bearded bear of a man who gave the impression of being grumpy, sadly passed on now.
I was making my first decent bow and I took it into work to measure the draw weight/length on a big scale in one of the labs. Walking into work I met him. He snatched the bow out of my hand flexed it as if stringing it, paused for a second, said "Sixty pounds" thrust it back into my hand and stomped off.
That lunchtime i had it all set up and was slowly pulling it back and noting the draw weight and length... finally got it back to 28"
.... sixty pounds

Anther time working at work he threw a big pretend punch at me, I leant back as if I'd been hit and put my elbow through a glass door! Those were the good old days when you could have a laugh at work.
People often ask how I got into making bows. I reply, It's not so much that I started... I just never stopped.
We all make stick bows as kids... I'm just getting good at it now

I remember trying to impress the prettiest girl in the village

when I was about 10. My arrows had nail points, so I shot a few yards in front of her as she walked along, sticking the the arrow into a telegraph pole. She wasn't impressed... she wan't my Maid Marrion.
That honour goes to Mrs Cat even if she doesn't shoot she's an honorary bowyer as I value her opinion.
(My big Sis still knows the family and says that the "girl" still thinks she's the prettiest girl on earth
