Hey guys, I decided to take up building a self bow so i started educating myself by reading great sites like this one as well as "The Traditional Bowyers Bible pt1". I understand that theoretically understanding this and actually doing it will be two different tasks but I like to take things head-on and learn from it so I think im ready.
QUESTION 1 - Tools?As for tools I got a
- hatchet
- wood rasps
- draw knife
- Hand saw
- cabinet scrapers
QUESTION 2 - Knot in stave?I bought this Osage Orange stave that measures about 64" but it has this knot towards the end. I understand knots are difficult for a beginner to work with so I have to ask, what are my options really? Here is the eBay listing if u want to see some pictures of the stave.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/231266423006?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649I want to ask, the knot is roughly a foot down and if I cut below the knot and shorten my bow, will i bypass the knot safely? If so, is a 50 - 52" bow ok for a person with a 5.4ft wingspan (im 5'11")?
I figure my draw length is about 26.5 so IF i dont mess anything up, 52" SHOULD be about right, RIGHT??

If im wrong about any of the above, do you suggest I work around the knot? If so, how would i go about this becuase its so close to the edge? would I adjust my center line to symmetrically work for the side with the knot?
QUESTION 3 - Growth rings, How deep can i go?With all this knowledge about ring-porous hardwoods, diffuse porous hardwoods, and conifers I have now, I feel like I might know just enough to be dangerous. So my stave is an Osage Orange and if you take a look at the pictures, there is a LOT of earlywood up at the top of the stave. Im looking to make a nice, dense bow that will last a while (assuming all goes well) so I want to go lower in the heartwood and use the thick layers of latewood down there. Is that ok?

Working your way up from the lowest growth ring, up to 11 or 13th growth ring. Will i be leaving myself enough depth to work with??
QUESTION 4Ive chosen to do a flat bow design with Pyramid limbs. Its seems the simplest for a beginner as well as the most durable. It looks like its not gonna bend to great but if i can make it thick enough (refer to question 3) then it shouldnt be a problem right? I would like some input from you experienced fellaz out there on this one.
I really appreciate and knowledge and insight you guys provide. Thanks a lot for helpin a noob into the game