Hey! It's illegal to cut trees in many areas, but there's ways around it. A branch isn't technically a tree!

My names Ryan, Im 30, I live in Vancouver BC and work as an air conditioning and refrigeration mechanic.
Started target shooting a couple years ago, but have only been building bows for about 5 months.
Being bit by the big is an understatement, I've finished 5 bows, have 3 others with sinew curing, and am working on number 6. Not to mention my shed is full of seasoning vine maple, yew, hazelnut and pacific dogwood. I love tree indentifying, (and cutting)
I get huge satisfaction from making shavings, it's very meditative to me, and I'm sure all of you. Really teaches you patience, and to sloooow down.
A couple years ago I experienced a huge loss in losing my brother very suddenly.
I can't even begin to explain how important archery and making bows has been to my mindset. I lose myself in a piece of wood, and I love it.
Welcome aboard!