Author Topic: Spring Thaw Selfbow Shoot at Hawkeye Bowmen  (Read 17570 times)

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Offline dinorocks

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Re: Spring Thaw Selfbow Shoot at Hawkeye Bowmen
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2014, 02:09:35 pm »
Once again, it was an awesome shoot!  Real glad I stuck around on Sunday to take part in the Clout shoot...that viking group from up north is made up of a great bunch of guys!
"Speedy arrow, sharp and narrow"  GD

Offline BrianS

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Re: Spring Thaw Selfbow Shoot at Hawkeye Bowmen
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2014, 10:59:23 pm »
I agree that it was a great weekend. What made it a great shoot was the folks who attended and guys like yourself who helped out and the extremely generous prize donations. The prizes exceeded my wildest expectations. Saturdays Pot Luck Dinner was one to remember. I was very happy that my Grandson Michael was able to be there with me again this year. He does not get the chance to do as much outdoors as I would like him to. He was all smiles all weekend. Amazing what camping and shooting bows can do for a kid (and Adults). We were able to finally break in the new Panther Lodge, although I do miss using my simple trail tarp. Maybe as he gets older, we can stay in the Diamond Shelter like I use to. I would have loved to see his Teachers face when she asked him what he did over the Weekend and he told her, shooting bows, throwing tomahawks, starting fires with flint and steel, chopping wood with a axe, carving sticks with a knife, sleeping in a tent with a wood stove, cooking squirrel stew on a campfire, wearing buckskins etc!
How are you liking that Fire Piston you won at the one log contest and the canoe paddle you got for the Cooking Contest? Your camp was great and would have made old Daniel Boone proud!  I hope you will enjoy the gourd canteen.
Thanks again to all the "Hard Core Primitive Archers" who attended despite the Weather. You guys are a special breed!