Author Topic: Black bear attacks  (Read 5201 times)

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Offline mullet

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2014, 10:46:30 pm »
All the black bears I've ever come into contact with have all ran off like a shot. Even a sow with cubs, did not hesitate to run.
The only time a bear came at me was a few years back, came at me stopped 10 yards out slammed it's front paws on the ground. I called his bluff, and he too ran off when I stood my ground. I'm not saying that's the way to do it. The only thing predictable about a bear is that they're unpredictable.
Most bears are skiddish and run. But you get the occasional few that are just grumpy.

Bryce; it's not they way down here. I thought I was going to have to shoot a big sow about three years ago. She just kept walking towards me even though I hollered and waved my arms. At 10 to 12 yards the safety came off of the .17HMR that had the cross hairs between her eyebrows when she finally turned and walked off.

And the woman said in an interview she forgives the bear ::), what I couldn't figure out is she let the kids go play while two were in here back yard and three were eating out of her garbage cans.
With brains like that the bear should have helped out mankind by biteing down just a little bit harder. And the seven bears that FWC shot will probably be half the season quota when they finally open the Lottery draw season. :-\
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline wildman

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2014, 12:08:28 pm »
Darwnism takes over in humans and wildlife. Maybe if it is as the article read the bear was doing a civic duty. I live in the woods literally and raise livestock. I lose critters to critters all the time. I call that paying taxes for my location. What I am saying is you cannot live among wild things and not expect a certain degree of risk. As I have said many times life is not a Disney cartoon,and the food chain will sort it's self out ALWAYS. I agree our wildlife management is flawed and dictated by emotions of which a black bear in your yard could care less about. My belief is sometimes the laws of nature are much more suited to my needs than the laws of man on our lil part of the world. In a year of low populations I may not take as much game in others well,but the respect for the wildlife is always there. It seems the big problem is loss of respect for a 200-400lb omnivore. Pastry, berries ,roadkill or half eaten pizza is all the same. Dharma was spot on,and I about fell out of my chair in convulsions. My opinion.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2014, 08:21:10 pm »
Well said, wildman. This is a gated community not really that from from Disney ::). Last year was probably the first time a bear has been sited in Miami in over a hundred years. Houses are being built in all kinds of animal habitats down here and the tourist from up north can't believe that A Government Agency can't keep armadillos from digging holes in their lawn. ???
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline lostarrow

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2014, 07:45:15 pm »
You guys have an agency for that? ;D ;D ;D Lol.

Offline Zuma

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2014, 10:21:17 pm »
Don't trust your government people.
They have no idea.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2014, 12:46:44 am »

     It would not surprise me at all, if one those Gated huggers, makes a suggestion to the other Gated huggers, to start taking the bears into the house, till the FWC leaves.  Yeah, please..... do that. " Breaking news, seems a gated community, has been wiped out, by of all things bears.  Authorities are as of yet still trying to figure out how these bears were able to get into the homes so easily."


Offline Dharma

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2014, 11:28:55 am »
The bears, albeit unintentionally, pointed out the major flaw in most so-called "gated" communities. These bears are running around and the security people, if any existed, never twigged to the threat to the residents' personal safety. This is because if the security people did exist, they're just being paid a little over minimum wage and usually unarmed with little training. They're basically paid observers, not really threat responders. They got the job after applying to want ads next to want ads for every other McJob. But park the aforementioned tank and some hired private troops (aka "private military contractors") at the front gate and then you'll have a gated community worth talking about. A couple surplus tanks, I think the Russians are offering a two-for-one special on T-54s, some former Blackwater operators in full battle rattle with AR-15s, especially the more notorious ones famous for their escapades in Iraq, and concertina wire around the perimeter atop a 12 foot high fence and now we're talking. A sign at the front gate telling everyone to have a nice day but there is nothing in here worth your life and, voila! As for the bears, well, get a depredation permit from game & fish and hire some swamp thangs and hill folk to settle their hash on an as-needed basis. Have them on staff as "Wildlife Co-Existence Counsellors". It'd be a great gig for some of them. Just run a want ad. "Are YOU ready for a career as a Wildlife Co-Existence Counsellor? Sunny Fields Gated Community seeks experienced hunters able to interact in a positive but determined manner with troubled wildlife. Position pays $15.00/hr plus room and board. Parking spot for bass boat is free, plus other benefits such as 401k, health care, and weapons co-purchase plan. Cash bonuses paid commensurate to species counselled on the need for respectful behaviour. Submit completed job application plus a target showing your skill with a rifle at 100 yards to Sunny Fields Gated Community Human Resources Dept." 

Think about it! Am I on to a great idea here or what?   
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Offline Traxx

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2014, 11:55:57 am »
Every thing you guys are speculating about is happening at Lake Tahoe.They formed a Bear league to protect the bears that feed on peoples garbage and pets.there have been attacks on humans,but somehow those dont get recorded.I know a couple of these people personally.The bears are so numb to people now,that they are breaking into houses,in broad daylight,with the owners home.

Folks are required to have all this bear safe crap around their properties,that are often unsafe for the people who own them.The bear league was caught putting food out for the bears,in known hiking trails but nothing happened to them about it,but folks are fined for leaving food in their cars.
the bear league is losing support from those that previously supported them,due to property damage and loss.Some have let F&W put traps on their property to trap and transport bears and they have received, death threats and vandalism from bear league supporters.Yet these type groups still receive tax free status from our govt,instead of domestic terrorist classification. 

Offline Dharma

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2014, 06:13:10 pm »
Two can play at that game. Death threats are illegal. A "citizens defense group" with plenty of camo, AR-15s, and a scary-looking flag (the Roman Army, Vikings, and so on are good sources for grim symbols for the flag) will ratchet it up a notch the Bear League won't miss. When someone receives a death threat or vandalism, the group shows up in front of the house to "support" the victim. The message behind group musters at the local firearms range won't be missed by them, either. Just plant a large sign with the group's flag emblem on it in front of each house and they'll think twice about vandalism there. If firearms are not cool with local law enforcement, well, arm everyone with spears. The Cold Steel Boar Spear would be a nice pick. Bullies only get away with crap when no one opposes them.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Black bear attacks
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2014, 08:16:42 pm »
I think tied to a tree after a bath in honey would help them get up close a fuzzy with their furry friends. ;D
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?